Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The New LinkedIn Recommendations Section What You Should Know

The New LinkedIn Recommendations Section What You Should Know You might have noticed that a few weeks ago, chaos reigned with LinkedIn Recommendations. You could request a recommendation, but the intended recipient did not receive the request. You could accept a recommendation, but you couldn’t ask for a revision – and the recommender could not submit a revised LinkedIn recommendation. Yes, this happened to me. All of it. Thankfully, these issues have been resolved with the new LinkedIn Recommendations section – well, mostly resolved. My new edition of How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Profile will have all the updated information that you need. Here are the basics of how LinkedIn Recommendations works now. There’s more in the book! The New LinkedIn Recommendations Interface From anyone’s profile, you will now find the option to request or offer recommendations by clicking on the â€Å"More† button, or (depending on your version) on the three dots in the upper right-hand corner of the person’s top information box: If you want the person to recommend you, choose â€Å"Request a recommendation† and you’ll be brought to this screen: Or, scroll down to the Recommendations section of your profile and click on the Ask to be Recommended button:    Write a friendly note to the person and ask if she would be willing to write you a recommendation. If you havent been in contact for some time, be delicate. Maybe start with a phone call. And at some point you might want to remind the person of something that will refresh their recollection of your skills and accomplishments. Then ask your recommender to tell a clear, specific story or two about you. Accepting or Revising Recommendations Once you receive a recommendation, you should be notified in your inbox. You can also check your pending recommendations by clicking the link in your Recommendation section: Or visit this direct link: https://www.linkedin.com/recs/received You’ll have the opportunity to accept or dismiss the recommendation. If there is an error or something youd rather that someone say differently, you can ask your recommender to correct it, which I encourage you to do if what they wrote is not exactly the way you want it! Most people are very cooperative when you make a request for a replacement. Unfortunately, LinkedIn eliminated the feature that allowed the recipient to request a replacement recommendation, so if you need a revision, youll have to Dismiss the original recommendation and request a new one. Accompany your request with a copy of the original recommendation and your suggested changes so your recommender does not have to start from scratch. Recommendation Challenges Here are some issues that commonly come up with people seeking LinkedIn Recommendations: 1.   I havent talked to my recommender in 5 years I would be so embarrassed to ask! In this situation, think about how you would respond if the tables were turned. Wouldnt you be happy to hear from someone who did good work for you or who was a great boss or colleague 10 years ago? I say it’s always worth asking if you think they will say something valuable! 2. My recommenders arent on LinkedIn. In this situation, there are at least three options that can address the issue: Invite the person onto LinkedIn. It might be just the nudge your recommender needs to join the millions of LinkedIn users! Attach your recommendation under the relevant job as a link or file. Include the recommendation in the summary or experience section of your profile. 3. My previous company has a policy against recommendations. If your past supervisors are precluded from recommending you due to company policy, you might have hit a dead end- but your coworkers might still be able to write a recommendation; and keep track of those supervisors, as they might move to a new company and be freed up to write a recommendation for you. Pay attention to the daily emails you receive with updates and look for news about potential recommenders! Show or Hide LinkedIn Recommendations You can display the LinkedIn Recommendations you choose at any given time. To show or hide your recommendations, click on the pencil icon: If you do not want to display a recommendation, click the Show slider to change it to Hide and the recommendation will be hidden (see example below). Giving Recommendations I encourage you to recommend people as well as to request recommendations. Here’s how: If you want to recommend Nancy, go to her profile and click â€Å"Recommend Nancy.† You’ll be brought to this start box: Tracking Your Recommendations Want a quick run-down of all your received and given recommendations? Scroll down in your profile and here’s what you’ll see: Or, want to see all the recommendation requests people have sent you? Go to https://www.linkedin.com/in/brendabernstein/detail/recommendations/requests/?view=received Looking Good in Your LinkedIn Recommendations Section By accumulating recommendations, you will gain the trust of potential employers, clients, and whomever else you want to impress on LinkedIn- trust that can translate into business or into a job. I have had many people choose to work with The Essay Expert based on the strength of the recommendations posted on my LinkedIn profile. Imagine, if you are a business or sales person, having clients come to you already having decided youre the person they want to work with! Recommending people can also get attention from recruiters. It’s a little-known fact that recruiters search on the recommendations you’ve given, not just on the ones you receive! In summary, the strength of your recommendations can get you your next client or your next job. What are you waiting for?

Friday, November 22, 2019

Canadian Old Age Security (OAS) Pension Changes

Canadian Old Age Security (OAS) Pension Changes In Budget 2012, the Canadian federal government formally announced the changes it planned for the Old Age Security (OAS) pension. The major change will be raising the eligibility age for the OAS and related Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) from 65 to 67, beginning April 1, 2023. The change in the age of eligibility will be phased in gradually from 2023 to 2029. The changes will not affect you if you are currently receiving OAS benefits. The change in eligibility for OAS and GIS benefits will also not affect anyone born on April 1, 1958. The government will also be introducing the option for individuals to defer taking up their OAS pension for up to five years. By deferring his/her OAS pension, an individual would receive a higher annual pension starting in a later year. In an effort to improve services, the government will be starting proactive enrolment for the OAS and GIS for eligible seniors. This will be phased in from 2013 to 2016 and should mean that eligible seniors will not need to apply for the OAS and GIS as they do now. What is the OAS? Canadian Old Age Security (OAS) is the single largest program of the Canadian federal government. According to Budget 2012, the OAS program provides approximately $38 billion per year in benefits to 4.9 million individuals. It is now funded from general revenue, although for many years there was such as thing as an OAS Tax. The Canadian Old Age Security (OAS) program is a basic safety net for seniors. It provides a modest monthly payment to seniors 65 years of age and older who meet the Canadian residency requirements. Employment history and retirement status are not factors in the eligibility requirements. Low-income seniors may also qualify for supplemental OAS benefits including the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), the Allowance  and Allowance for the Survivor. The maximum annual basic OAS pension is currently $6,481. Benefits are indexed to the cost of living measured by the Consumer Price Index. OAS benefits are taxable by both federal and provincial governments. The maximum annual GIS benefit is currently $8,788 for single seniors and $11,654 for couples. The GIS is not taxable, although you must report it when you file your Canadian income taxes. The OAS is not automatic. You must apply for the OAS, as well as for the supplemental benefits. Why is the OAS Changing? There are several critical reasons for changes being made to the OAS program. Canadas Aging Population: Demographics are changing. Life expectancy is increasing, and the age group of baby boomers (those born between 1946 and 1964) is huge. The government predicts the number of Canadian seniors will nearly double from 2011 to 2030, from 5 million to 9.4 million. That puts a huge pressure on funding the OAS program, especially when the number of working-age Canadians (who will be paying taxes) per senior is expected to drop from four to two over a similar time frame.Cost: Budget 2012 estimates that the cost of the OAS program without changes would grow from $38 billion in 2011 to $108 billion in 2030. That means the 13 cents of every federal tax dollar being spent on OAS benefits today would become 21 cents for every tax dollar being needed for the program in 2030-31.Flexibility: Allowing seniors to choose to defer taking their OAS pension will provide them with more choice to make decisions appropriate to their own circumstances.Efficiency: The phased-in proact ive enrolment of many seniors in the OAS and GIS programs will not only reduce an unnecessary burden on seniors, it is also a long-overdue administrative change that should save government program costs. When Do the OAS Changes Happen? Here are the time frames for the changes to the OAS: Increasing the Eligible Age for OAS and Supplemental Benefits: These changes begin in April 2023 and are being phased in over six years until January 2029. These charts of OAS changes show the ages by quarter.Voluntary Deferral of OAS Pension: The  voluntary deferral of the OAS option for up to five years begins July 2013.​Proactive Enrolment in OAS and GIS: This will be phased in from 2013 to 2016. Those who are eligible will be notified personally by mail. Those who are not eligible will be sent applications or can pick up applications from Service Canada. You should apply for the OAS at least six months before you turn 65. There will be more information on this option available from Service Canada as it is developed. Questions About Old Age Security If you have questions about the Old Age Security program, I suggest you Check the information on the Old Age Security pension on the Service Canada site​Read the Frequently Asked Questions about the OAS on the Service Canada site. Their contact information is also on that page.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Armenian Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Armenian - Research Proposal Example These include the United States, France, Argentina, and the Levant among others. On estimate there are roughly 8 to 10 million Armenians around the world today. On the international scale, â€Å"Armenian† has come to be the primary identifier of this group and was first put into use by its neighboring countries. However, according to census information released by the National Statistical Service of Armenia (2001), Armenians call themselves Hay, in testament to Haik, the mythic founder of the Armanian nation. The Armenians as a group have shown remarkable tenacity in the face of tremendous adversity. One of the more tragic events to grace the pages of world history during the latter part of the 19th and the early 20th century was the ethnic cleansing of the Armenian people which commenced while the Ottoman Empire was in its waning years. Widely considered as a systematic genocide, According to Bournoutian (1994) †it claimed an estimated 1.5 Armenian lives starting with an incessant wave of persecution in 1894-1896 that culminated in the events of the Armenian Genocide in 1915-1916.†( p. 81) With World War I underway, the Ottoman Turks unjustly accused the mostly Christian Armenians of conspiring with Imperial Russia, and used this as justification for making the Armenians official enemies of the empire. In contemporary times Turkish governments have consistently denied involvement in the genocide, alluding this to purely wartime collateral damage. In terms of worldwide distribution the Armenian diaspora has been in existence for centuries, with communities existing outside the country for centuries. According to TheHolyLand.org (1997) â€Å" an Armenian community has existed for over a millennium in the Holy Land, and one of the four quarters of the old walled city of Jerusalem had been called the Armenian Quarter† (n.p.) There are

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Property valuation questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Property valuation questions - Essay Example Here discounted cash flow method is used in this type of property valuation methods. The Residual Method: This method is used to value existing properties that has a potential to redevelop. This method of property valuation consists of many variables and these variables are very sensitive to any changes in market conditions. The Profits Method: This method is also known as account method. It is used where a commercial property is used for accommodation as an integral part of its business. It is generally used in trading premises but also restricted to the property that changes hand on freehold basis. The cost Approach: This method of property valuation for a property that is acquired by its owner but lacks in comparable evidence for similar property transactions. It works on the assumption that the property valued forms part of an ongoing business asset. 5. The comparative method: When comparable transaction of a property is done against a property with similar characteristic. This method of property valuation is called the comparative method of valuation. Generally valuation of agricultural land is mostly valued using this valuation method where the value of the agricultural land is derived from the similar land sold earlier. This method is also in use in UK as an informative source. It is used as standalone valuation method in UK. The Investment Method: This method is generally used to value an income producing property. This method is used to value a commercial property that has a capability to produce rental income. Here discounted cash flow method is used in this type of property valuation methods. The Residual Method: This method is used to value existing properties that has a potential to redevelop. This method of property valuation consists of many variables and these variables are very sensitive to any changes in market conditions. The Profits Method: This method is also known as account method. It is used where a commercial property is used for accommodation as an integral part of its business. It is generally used in trading premises but also restricted to the property that changes hand on freehold basis. The cost Approach: This method of property valuation for a property that is acquired by its owner but lacks in comparable evidence for similar property transactions. It works on the assumption that the property valued forms part of an ongoing business asset. (b) (i) The comparative method (ii) The profit method (iii) The investment method (iv)The investment method 3. Assumptions: (i) First assumption is, the appraised value of a property will vary that depends on whether the appraisal is conducted for the buyer or the seller of the property. (ii) The second assumption is the appraisers are hired only to estimate real estate property values in property sales involving mortgage lending transactions for the property valued. (iii) The third assumption is, market value should approximate replacement cost for the similar property. (iv) The forth assumption is that the assessed value should equate to market value of the property. (v) The fifth assumption is that the appraisers use a formula, such as a specific price per square foot, to figure out the value of a home or any other residential property. (vi) The sixth assumption is that as because consumers pay for appraisals when applying for loans to purchase or refinance real estate, they own their appraisal for there property. (vii) The seventh assumption is that an appraisal is the same as a home inspection for property. 4. Statutory Reasons: (i) The property valuation for statutory purposes including rating of the property. (ii) Government taxes affecting property including land tax and should be taken care of on valuation. Non-Statutory Reasons: (i) Property non-statutory instrument to assert its influence on the land and property markets for the property. (ii) The property tax exemption is limited to the non-profit activities for the property. 5. The comparative method: When comparable transaction of a property is done against a property with similar characteristic. This method of property valuation is called the comparative method of valuation. Generally valuation of agricultural land is mostly valued using this valuation method where the value of the agricultural land

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Adolescent Offender Essay Example for Free

Adolescent Offender Essay Lionel Tate, a fourteen year old Florida boy was sentenced to life during March 2001 for killing Tiffany Eunick, a six- year boy during a wrestling match which took place in 1999. Thus he was convicted of first degree murder as the killing was due to aggravated child abuse and he was sentenced to life without parole.   His sentence was questioned by many critics and many wonder how the justice system allows to send a just fourteen year old boy to prison for life. The underlying question in the ongoing debate was that how a juvenile can be awarded punishment similar to their adult offenders. [i] Adolescent can be defined as the stage of life cycle from puberty to maturity ends at the age of majority. Adolescent thus refers to the change in physical system of a human leading to sexual maturity. Many adolescent teenagers without proper support factors can end in the ‘cracks’ and may land in hostile world. Juvenile delinquency means antisocial attitude beyond the control of parents and result in crimes that is punishable with imprisonment. In other words, it is a criminal offense committed by a minor. See more: Analysis of Starbucks coffee company employees essay Rolf Loeber has conducted research on delinquent paths or trajectories and recognized three discrete paths to a criminal career such as 1) the authority conflict pathway 2) The convert pathway 3) The overt pathway; He also recognise that disruptive behavior that starts from in early childhood with truancy ,lying , threat to animals . There were more than 600 murders that were committed by young people aged 12. Thus in the case of Lionel, it starts from early age of 12 and corroborates with Loeber finding under the overt pathway which escalated to aggressive acts beginning with aggression leading to violence i.e. murder. The Lionel may be of suffering from Problem behavior syndrome (PBS). People with these syndromes will resort to physical abuse, sensation seeking, and arrogance. Researches reveal that delinquent possessed this inherent behavior from very early young age. Some had resorted to drug abuse and heavy drinking as early as at age of 10 or still younger.   Thus the Rolf Loeber and David Farrington study reveals that early-onset offenders had a disruptive behavior with truancy, lying, cruelty to animals and theft. Thus the attitude of young offenders can be attributed when there is no adequate parental care, the environment of their brought up , inherent characteristics at birth and may also due to Problem behavior syndrome ( PBS) [i] Scott, Elizabeth S, ‘Blaming Youth’, Texas Law Review, Feb, 2003. Children Committing First Crime at Just 11. (2005, February 15). The Evening Standard (London, England), p. 16.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

History of C Essay -- Essays Papers

History of: Origins and Examples Essay written by DaMonMayers Origins of C What are C and OOP? C is an advanced, high-level programming language (â€Å"Computer languages†) that is used to develop powerful applications for Microsoft ® Windows ®, many Linux environments, and other well-known and widely used operating systems. C is quickly becoming the standard language for commercial software development (Oualline). OOP, an abbreviation for object-oriented programming is simply code that â€Å"attempts to place a new layer of abstraction between the programmer and the data he is working with †¦ this layer will help the programmer develop better code more quickly than he could do before.† (McHale). OOP languages must include four fundamental concepts before it may reasonably be defined as object-oriented (O-O): encapsulation, polymorphism, inheritance and the ability to be dynamic (McHale). Where did C come from? C was designed and implemented by Bjarne Stroustrup who works for AT&T Bell Labs as head of the Large-Scale Program Research department where he is heavily involved with the evolution of his product (Duffy, 98). His development, originally called â€Å"C with classes† was a marriage between a language called Simula67 with object-orientated features and C, which was powerful and efficient in its design. Fortran John Backus at IBM developed Fortran in 1956. Fortran, an abbreviation and acronym for FORmula TRANslation system, is generally considered to be the first high-level programming language. Fortran is, even today, a language of choice among programmers, its latest release, Fortran 90, in 1990. Early versions of this language would be largely criticized today [there were a few problems like the program layout, which had to obey certain criteria like an 80 character maximum line (the length â€Å"of a punch card on which the programs were often written†) (Parsons) and the first six columns were reserved for labels and comments, denoted by the keyword C]; however, this language influenced every language used today in the programming community in some way. A sample Fortran program would look like this (the digits 1, 2, and 3 in this program are labels and .GT. signifies a comparison checking to see if the variable, H, is Greater Than 5): C EXAMPLE FORTRAN CODE DIMENSION A(5), B(5,2) INTEGER H DO 1 I = 1,5 1 A(I) = 6 - I H = 1 3 IF (H.GT.5... ...n Technology at Brighton University. Internet. December 16, 1994. Available http://www.it.bton.ac.uk/burks/burks/foldoc/58/19.htm McHale, William. â€Å"Object-Oriented C? A Case Study of C and Objective-C as Object-Oriented Extensions of C.† Online. University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Internet. 28 Apr. 1996. Available http://www.gl.umbc.edu/~schmitt/331S96/wmchal1/testdraft.html Oualline, Steve. Practical C Programming. O’Reilly & Associates, September 1995. Overland, Brian. C in Plain English. MIS:Press, 1996 Parsns, Peter. â€Å"A Brief History of Programming.† Online. University of Hull Department of Computer Sciences. Internet. 1997. Available http://web.dcs.hull.ac.uk/people/pjp/Teaching/08208-9697/Notes/Languages/node2.html Stroustrup, Bjarne. The C Programming Language. Addison-Wesley Publication Company, February 4th, 2000. Stroustrup, Bjarne. â€Å"Stroustrup: Bjarne’s Homepage.† Online. AT&T Bell Labs. Internet. 2000. Available http://www.research.att.com/~bs/C.html â€Å"The Standard ML Programming Language.† Online. Hughes College of Engineering at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas. Internet. 1999. Available http://www.egr.unlv.edu/stock_answers/languages/sml/

Monday, November 11, 2019

Gandhi And Nehru

‘Papua' and ‘Coach': Builders of Modern India During the last two thousand five hundred years and more of Indian's history, two individual combinations made tremendous impact both on Indian's civilization and polity. The first duo was that of Cattily and his trusted disciple Contractual Marry who together laid the foundation of the first great historical empire of ancient India. The other duo was that of Mahatma Gandhi and Charlatan Nehru who were instrumental in laying the base of a modern Indian state and giving shape to ideas in the realm of education, culture and democracy. Gandhi founded the Straight Ashram after turning from South Africa and successfully employed the principles of Straight in uniting the peasants of Qaeda and Champaign against the government. After this victory Gandhi was bestowed the title of Papua and Mahatma and his fame spread far and wide. Charlatan Nehru was not only the first Prime Minister of India, but in that opacity, was also a major worl d figure during the mid-twentieth century.Like many national leaders who first lead, or play a major role in leading, their nation to independence, Nehru was widely loved and respected and ended up not only serving as the nation's deader for many years but also shaped much of the nation's political life. Practically every official act of such a leader is a first and often becomes a precedent that his successors follow. 2 His great love for roses as well as children is a well-known fact. In fact he often compared the two, saying that children were like the buds in a garden.They should be carefully and lovingly nurtured, as they were the future of the nation and the citizens of tomorrow. He felt that children are the real strength of a country and the very foundation of society. Most importantly he did not discriminate between he sexes and believed in giving equal opportunities to girls and boys. Quite naturally, he was the ‘beloved' of all the children who gave him the endearin g name of ‘Coach Nehru'. Mahatma Gandhi and Charlatan Nehru are internationally well-known personalities, who had been venerated and respected by the intelligentsia. 10th of them were born in the nineteenth century and passed away in the twentieth century. The Mahatma was the leader and Nehru was the most devoted disciple of the Mahatma. Both of them were giants in their respective fields of the work. The Mahatma was assassinated and Nehru died. Both of them lived the biblical figure, three score and ten. The Mahatma was the father of the nation. Nehru was the builder of the nation. 3 Nehru first time met Mahatma Gandhi in 1916 and admired his role in South Africa.When Gandhi started Straight in 1 919 against Reluctant, Nehru for the first time came into contact with the peasants (kinas) and this contact with the peasants influenced his later thought. He wrote, â€Å"Looking at them (kinas) and their misery and overflowing gratitude, was filled with shame and sorrow-shame at my own easy-going and comfortable life and our pretty politics of the city which moored this vast multitude of semi-naked sons and daughters of India. A new picture of India seemed to rise before me, naked, starving, crushed and utterly miserable. This experience with peasants indicated to Nehru the degree to which the nationalist movement coincided with Sandhog's rise to prominence in the congress and this strengthened Nehru consciousness of peasant India. Nehru played a significant role in the Non-Cooperation Movement launched in 1 921 , under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi. A basic question could be put here: what was the influence of Gandhi upon Nehru during this period? Sandhog's stress on the religious and spiritual side of his movement was somewhat incomprehensible to Nehru.Nehru with his modern, scientific and rational approach to life simply did not speak the same language as Gandhi (1921). Nehru wrote: â€Å"but we felt that we knew him quite well enough to realize that he was a great and unique man and a glorious leader, and having put our faith in him, we gave him an almost blank cheese, for the time being at least. † For Nehru, the moral and ethical side of Sandhog's Straight had greater appeal. Nehru did not accept non-violence as an absolute creed but he became convinced that against the background of Indian's traditions, it was the right policy to follow.Sandhog's continuous insistence on the necessity of worthy means being used to attain worthy ends deeply influenced Nehru. Sandhog's abhorrence of machinery and modern civilization had no effect on Nehru, except to convince him and others that such ideas would have to be firmly dealt with when independence was attained. 4 Gandhi and Nehru were completely different people as regards their social status, age, way of thinking and individuality. There were always deep ideological differences between them. In their attitude on life, Nehru and Gandhi differed from each other.Nehru was absolu tely secular and scientific whereas Gandhi was out and out a man of religion. For Gandhi, religion and morality constituted the whole of life. They are inseparable. He laid great stress on truth and nonviolence and expected the Congress to be instrumental for the moral regeneration of the country. Nehru attached much importance to moral values but not so much to religion. For Nehru, religion was a woman's affair. He wanted the Congress to play role effectively in the political and economic sphere. Gandhi formulated the principle of trusteeship for the rich and the propertied class.He was of the opinion that as the rich did not require all their wealth for the satisfaction of their personal needs, they should utilize the surplus wealth for the benefit of the society at large. Nehru, though allows important place to private sector, he consider the Seminary system as a semifinal system which was out of date and a great hindrance to production and general progress. Gandhi described self -reliance as one of the essential ingredients of the individual's character. Charlatan Nehru made self-reliance the pivot around which the entire program of community development revolved. Both Gandhi and Nehru were cosmopolitans.They stood for internationalism. Gandhi did not want India to remain isolated from the rest of the world. Charlatan rejoiced on the freedom struggle of the subject countries. Both Gandhi and Nehru were humanists. Both of them gave greater importance to human qualities than to political expediency. The guru as well as his sashay stood for the toiling humanity. Their hearts bled for the poor and down trodden. There are many reasons as to why Nehru was drawn towards Gandhi. Nehru recognized the heroism and spirit of defiance of Gandhi. He also found that Sandhog's unique adhering and political action brought important results to the country.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Sarcasm in News

North Korea, one of the most modern country in the world and well know of their great military power to protect their own country per their own claim. The government has spent huge amount of money in development of their weapon technology : from nuclear bomb to missiles. The citizens of North Korea are too proud of having such a wise government to allocate all their resources on weapon development instead of economics. They have been living peacefully. This Just mirrored a quote from Steve Jobs : stay hungry, stay happy ( originally Is stay hungry, ATA foolish).A Democratic Presidential Election? As they want to be a member In the democratic world. , recently, they conducted a presidential election. What they believe Is this mechanism can serve a tool to shake hand with the western and express their democratic culture. The voting system Is designed as below: the voter will be given a choice. The ballot paper contained two boxes: one In which to vote for the party , and another where anyone who doesn't support the ruling party could write their name and address.As you can see, the voting process is widely open without anonymous vote. Isn't that wonderful? No need to be anonymous, just let everyone know who's your best choice. Eventually, the election is fair, open and peaceful. What percentage of the vote do you think: 52%, 63% or 85%? The answer is 100%. According to the official report, it said that 99. 97% of all registered voters across the country participated in the election, and 100% of them voted for the candidates were elected. The outcome equally expresses the absolute support and rust of all voters in the country.After the election, they have received congratulation letter from Iran : they described my election as â€Å"overjoyed to see that the hearts of the Korean people are fully behind their glorious chairman. † The U. S. President Obama is busy with his golf game and can not response this immediately. The only candidate and the final winne r Kim Gong-UN encourages him to comment this election result on his Face Book. The greet leader is willing to offer the successful experience to America.Sarcasm in News By Minnie eroded a quote from Steve Jobs : stay hungry, stay happy ( originally is stay hungry, stay foolish). A Democratic Presidential Election? As they want to be a member in the believe is this mechanism can serve a tool to shake hand with the western and express their democratic culture. The voting system is designed as below: the voter will be given a choice. The ballot paper contained two boxes: one in which to vote for the party , and another where anyone who doesn't support the ruling party could without anonymous vote. Isn't that wonderful? No need to be anonymous, Just let

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Understanding Aber and Sondern in German

Understanding Aber and Sondern in German ​Conjunctions are words that link two sentences. In German, they belong to the group of non-declinable words, which means that they never change, no matter what case you think you should use or what gender a following noun has. However, while in English you might only have one option, in German you will often find several possibilities to choose from.  Such is the case with aber and sondern, which your dictionary will most certainly translate both as but. Using but in German Take a look at the following sentences: The child didnt want to go home, but to the park. Das Kind will nicht nach Hause gehen, sondern zum Park. I dont understand what you say, but you will certainly be right. Ich verstehe nicht, was Sie sagen, aber Sie werden schon Recht haben. She is exhausted but doesnt want to go to sleep. Sie ist erschà ¶pft aber will nicht schlafen gehen. As you can see, both aber and sondern mean but in English. How do you know which but conjunction to use? It is actually quite simple: Aber, which means but or however,  is used after either a positive or negative clause. On the other hand, sondern is only used after a negative clause when expressing a contradiction. In other words, the first clause of the sentence must contain either nicht or kein, and the second part of the sentence must contradict the first part of the sentence. Sondern can be best translated as  but rather. Carusos Little Brother Helps You to Create Better Sentences One last thing: aber and sondern are so called ADUSO-words. ADUSO is an acronym for: Aaber (but)Ddenn (because)Uund (and)Ssondern (contradicting but)Ooder (or) Those conjunctions all take position zero in a sentence. To remember that, you might want to think of ADUSO as the little brother of Enrico Caruso, the great opera singer. But he never grew out of his famous brothers shadow and remained quite a loser. Imagine the o in loser as a zero to remember position zero. A Little Quiz Lets test your knowledge. Which German version of but would you use in the following sentences? Ich komme nicht aus England _____ aus Schottland. I dont come from England but from Scotland. Ich bin hungrig, _____  ich habe keine Zeit etwas zu essen. I am hungry, but I dont have time to eat something. Sie spricht drei Sprachen: Englisch, Russisch, und Arabisch, _____ leider kein Deutsch. She speaks three languages: English, Russian, and Arabic, but unfortunately no German. Wir htten gerne drei cheeseburger _____ ohne Zwiebeln. We would like (to have) three cheeseburgers but without onions. Er hat keinen Kartoffelsalat mitgebracht, _____  Nudelsalat. He didnt bring potato salad, but noodle salad. Er hat gesagt, er bringt Kartoffelsalat mit, _____ er hat Nudelsalat mitgebracht. He said, hed bring potato salad, but he brought noodle salad. Answers to the Quiz Ich komme nicht aus England,  sondern  aus Schottland.Ich bin hungrig,  aber  ich habe keine Zeit etwas zu essen.Sie spricht drei Sprachen: Englisch, Russisch und Arabisch  aber  leider kein Deutsch.Wir htten gerne drei Cheeseburger,  aber  ohne Zwiebeln.Er hat keinen Kartoffelsalat mitgebracht, sondern  Nudelsalat.Er hat gesagt, er bringt Kartoffelsalat mit,  aber  er hat Nudelsalat mitgebracht.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

46 Back-to-School Quotes to Help Get You Motivated

46 Back-to-School Quotes to Help Get You Motivated Vacations are over, and its time to head back to school. Tis the season of  teachers revising lessons and of students stocking up on school supplies and preparing for new classes. You can share some  motivational back-to-school quotes with your children to help encourage them to achieve, and you can share them with your favorite educators, too. Our education-themed list also contains quotes for people going to the school of hard knocks. Plus, we offer a few clever asides and quips from authors and comedians to a former president. Inspirational Quotes for Students Help students realize the importance of  education  with these quotes: Martin H. Fischer All the world is a laboratory to the inquiring mind. Ray LeBlond You learn something every day if you pay attention. E.C. McKenzie Sign on a high school bulletin board in Dallas: Free every Monday through Friday- knowledge. Bring your own containers. Ernest Renan The simplest schoolboy is now familiar with truths for which Archimedes would have sacrificed his life. Dana Stewart Scott Learn as much as you can while you are young, since life becomes too busy later. Alvin Toffler The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. Mark Twain Training is everything. The peach was once a bitter almond; cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education. Quotes About Teachers and Schools Need some quotes about educators and schools? Look no further: Susan B. Anthony If all the rich and all of the church people should send their children to the public schools they would feel bound to concentrate their money on improving these schools until they met the highest ideals. T.H. Huxley I care not what subject is taught, if only it be taught well. E.C. McKenzie Education helps you earn more. But not many schoolteachers can prove it.Schoolteachers are not fully appreciated by parents until it rains all day Saturday. Donald D. Quinn If a doctor, lawyer, or dentist had 40 people in his office at one time, all of whom had different needs, and some of whom didnt want to be there and were causing trouble, and the doctor, lawyer, or dentist, without assistance, had to treat them all with professional excellence for nine months, then he might have some conception of the classroom teachers job. Lily Tomlin ï » ¿I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework. Inspirational Quotes for Educators Educators might also enjoy some inspirational quotes geared toward their chosen profession: Malcolm S. Forbes Educations purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one. Sydney J. Harris The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows. Margaret Laurence Holidays are enticing only for the first week or so. After that, it is no longer such a novelty to rise late and have little to do. Richard Livingstone If the school sends out children with a desire for knowledge and some idea of how to acquire and use it, it will have done its work. Ralph W. Sockman The larger the island of knowledge, the longer the shoreline of wonder. Ricky Williams I allowed myself to think if I could be doing anything in the world, what would I be doing? And what came to mind is Id be traveling a little bit, Id be going to classes, and Id be going back to school. Quotes on Life and Learning Here are some quotable lines about the value of education outside of school, the teacher being reality. Anonymous Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school. Tom Bodett The difference between school and life? In school, youre taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, youre given a test that teaches you a lesson. Winston Churchill I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught. W. Edwards Deming Learning is not compulsory...but to survive, we must learn. Peter De Vries We all learn by experience but some of us have to go to summer school. Ralph Waldo Emerson You send your child to the schoolmaster, but tis the schoolboys who educate him. Martin H. Fischer Education aims to give you a boost up the ladder of knowledge. Too often, it just gives you a cramp on one of its rungs. Ivan Illich Together we have come to realize that for men the right to learn is curtailed by the obligation to attend school. George Bernard Shaw What we want is to see the child in pursuit of knowledge, and not knowledge in pursuit of the child. Ernest Shackleton I do not know what moss stands for in the proverb, but if it stood for useful knowledge...I gathered more moss by rolling than I ever did at school. Oscar Wilde Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing worth knowing can be taught. Henny Youngman In elementary school, many a true word is spoken in guess. Silly and Pithy Quotes According to some well-known names, education has its lighter moments: Gracie Allen Smartness runs in my family. When I went to school I was so smart my teacher was in my class for five years. Erma Bombeck Being a child at home alone in the summer is a high-risk occupation. If you call your mother at work 13 times an hour, she can hurt you. A. Whitney Brown Our bombs are smarter than the average high school student. At least they can find Kuwait. George Carlin When I got out of high school they retired my jersey, but it was for hygiene and sanitary reasons. Bill Dodds Labor Day is a glorious holiday because your child will be going back to school the next day. It would have been called Independence Day, but that name was already taken. Peter Drucker When a subject becomes totally obsolete, we make it a required course. Finley Peter Dunne It doesnt make much difference what you study, so long as you dont like it. Robert Gallagher Anyone who thinks the art of conversation is dead ought to tell a child to go to bed. Edgar W. Howe If there were no schools to take the children away from home part of the time, the insane asylums would be filled with mothers. Elbert Hubbard You can lead a boy to college, but you cannot make him think. Doug Larson Home computers are being called upon to perform many new functions, including the consumption of homework formerly eaten by the dog. Henry Louis Mencken Sunday school: A prison in which children do penance for the evil conscience of their parents. John Updike The Founding Fathers...provided jails called schools, equipped with tortures called an education. School is where you go between when your parents cant take you and industry cant take you. Ronald Reagan But there are advantages to being President. The day after I was elected, I had my high school grades classified top secret. Joan Welsh The only educational aspect of television is that it puts the repairman’s kids through college.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

6.2. American Revolution art work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

6.2. American Revolution art work - Essay Example This ideology required Americans to stand firmly on their own beliefs and values. Moreover the painting depicts possible would have been battlegrounds for the revolution. Arguably, ordinary people within their day-to-day work centers conducted the revolutions. Most artists make the impression that rebel movements in remote environs conducted the revolution. The artists responsible for the paintings did not conduct through research while making the paintings. Indeed, the artists were more concerned with the artistic impression of the paintings among their audiences than their historic impression. Consequently, the artists created paintings that served the immediate society without considering their historical impacts. Indeed, the paintings were made to praise certain factions that led or were involved in the revolution. Thus, the paintings cannot be considered reliable sources of history. Moreover, the paintings are localized to the communities that they were intended for and, have little impact on the global arena. For instance, â€Å"Molly Pitcher - Battle of Monmouth 1778† shows that people from new jersey contributed more to the revolution than others